Sunday, August 5, 2012


"Indigenous activist-scholars and anarchist anthropologists note 
that many cultures, and even some nations, do not have the same impulse 
to define clear borders or police their own people
— forms of social control that are taken for granted as politics. 
Let’s notice in our own lives the difference between the official stories of 
who is in control and how life actually works. 

How might we nurture the elements of our society that work cooperatively with other people as well as ecosystems to create freedom, equality, and abundance? 
            Like power, gender is everywhere, running through our relationships with ourselves, 
each other, and the earth, and the relations between nations, classes, and cultures. 
And like power, it is not a problem in itself but instead a question of how we do it. 
Gender can be a pattern of control, violence, and domination. 
Or it can be just another way of talking about the beautiful diversity of human existence."

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