Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sex is not dirty work.

"The media portrayal of sex workers surrounding the Thomson case has sold the concept of sex workers as immoral, dirty and damaged, building on stereotypes the media itself has created over many years in the public's perception. The use of sex workers to sell this concept of immorality has worked so well that online discussions suggest the crime alleged against Thomson is having visited sex workers, not the fraudulent use of funds." ~ Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association, CEO Janelle Fawkes

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychology, which was explaining the phenomenon of "mixed emotions". The husband turned to his wife and said, "That is an absolute bunch of crap. I bet you can't tell me anything that will make me happy and sad at the same time."

She said, "Out of all of your friends... You have the biggest dick."
"As with all finite play, the goal of veiled sexuality is to bring itself to an end.

By contrast, infinte players have no interest in seduction or in restricting the freedom of another to one's own boundaries of play. Infinte players recognise choice in all aspects of sexuality. They may see in themselves and in others, for example, the infant's desire to compete for the mother, but they also see that there is neither physiologicak nor societal destiny in sexual patterns. Who chooses to compete with another can also choose to play with another.

Sexuality is not a bounded phenomenon but a horizontal phenomenon for infinite players. One can never say, therefore, that an infinite player is homosexual, or heterosexual, or celibate, or adulterous or faithful - because each of these definitions has to do with boundaries, with circumscribed areas and styles of play. Infinite players do not play within sexual boundaries, but with sexual boundaries. They are concerned not with power but with vision.
In their sexual play they suffer others, allow them to be as they are. Suffering others, they open themselves. Open, they learn both about others and about themselves. Learning, they grow. What they learn is not about sexuality, but about how to be more concretely and originally, themselves, to be the genius of their own actions, to be whole.
Moving therefore from an original center, the sexual engagements of infinite players have no standards, no ideals, no marks of success of failure. Neither orgasm nor conception is a goal of their play, although either may be part of the play.

There is nothing hidden in infinite sexuality. Sexual desire is exposed as sexual desire and is never therefore serious. Its satisfaction is never an achievement, but an act in a continuing relationship, and therefore joyous. It's lack of satisfaction is never a failure, but only a matter to be taken into further play."